Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Six Thinking Hats - Tools for Project Management

As a practical project manager, we will face the problem as our daily bread. One of the technique to understand and solve the problem is using De Bono's 6 Thinking Hat.

In summary as below :
1. White Hat -  facts, figures, and information
2. Red Hat - the opposite of White Hat -  feeling, emotion intuition, and sentiment
3. Black Hat -  judgement, careful, logical, critical and cautious
4. Yellow Hat - the opposite of Black Hat - optimism, positive thinking and constructive
5. Green Hat - creative thinking, suggestions, alternatives, ideas, proposals
6. Blue Hat - organzation of thingking, control of the other hats, act as a referee

With this technique as a practical project manager, we can use the hat at one time and be able to see the problem in the same perspective. So, as stated in De Bono's 6 Thinking Hat, it would has power to fully utilized the intelligence, experience, and knowledge of the group and everyone is on the same page to find the solution. It also will save the meeting time, remove all Ego and as a result clear thinking.

To get more detail explanation please go to Project Shrink Web Site that explain this technique in more detail Project Shrink - Six Thinking Hats and Project Management and also we can get presentation from De Bono for better understanding.

Good luck with your Hats.

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